Don’t be upset from people, because they are upset too, they are alone but they run away from themselves because they are in doubt about themselves & about their love &their fact, so love then even when they don’t love you…
Your love in my heart doesn’t have rest, you don’t worry about yourself be worry about my tiredness, I am your gaga everyday to late hours at night.
The age of Man is over. Now, the armies of Heaven and the legions of Hell rage back over the tattered remainders of Earth; but against them all is the most fearsome horseman of Apocalypse. After centuries, he, the ancient, backs and he has been been threatened by an unholy conspiracy; his name is war.
In the coldest regions of space, monstrous entities Ogdru Jahad_ The Seven Gods Of Chaos_ slumber in their crystal prison waiting to reclaim Earth….. And burn the Heavens. DES VERMIS MYSTERIIS PAGE 87
Pride, the never failing vice of fool! Love, a dreadful bond! The Proud man who falls in love each breath he takes is a deep one before the plunge! Then hang the love, or wash away the pride but at the end can I survive!? I am merely postponing the inevitable! We die and die we shall
Little by little and bit by bit
Little enemies and little wounds must not be despised
Liquor before beer and you're in the clear. Beer before liquor and you'll never be sicker
Long absent, soon forgotten
Look after the pennies and the pounds will look after themselves
بقیه در ادامه مطالب….
Look before you leap
Love is blind
Make hay while the sun shines
Make love not war
Man with four balls can't walk
Many hands make light work
Many a little make a mickle
Misery loves company
Money for old rope
Money makes the mare go
Money makes the world go around
Money talks
Money talks, bullshit walks
More haste, less speed
Nature abhors a vacuum
Nature, time, and patience are three great physicians
Necessity is the mother of all invention.
Ne'er cast a clout till May be out
Never put off till (until) tomorrow what you can do today
Never do today what you can put off till (until) tomorrow
It was probably a waste of time anyway
Never trouble trouble until trouble troubles you
New brooms sweep clear
No cows, no cares
No gain without pain
No man can serve two masters
No man is content with his lot
No news is good news
No pain, no gain
No pain, no injury
No time to waste like the present
Nothing ventured, nothing gained
اس ام اس های خود را برای درج در سایت، در قسمت نظرات ارسال کنید. تا اس ام اس های شما در سایت قرار گیرد.اگر دوست دارید نام شما درج شود نام خود را هم بفرستید،اس ام اس ها به صورت ماهانه قرار می گیرد
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در قسمت نظرات (پايين صفحه) نظر خودتون رو بنويسيد.
اگر انتقاد يا پيشنهاد و نقطه نظري هم داريد خوشحال ميشم بدونم. با تشکر